Updates from Work Package 3 (WP3): In these first 6 months, WP3 (see HyPEF’s Workplan) has closely followed the progress of WP2’s Deliverable 2.2 FCH Product Categories, completed in July 2024. The report presents, for the first time, a set of FCH product categories for Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) studies.

Welcome to HyPEF! We will deliver and test the FIRST EVER Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) for fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) products.

Besides consideration of key PEF aspects, FCH product categorisation was based on a review of currently available technologies throughout the hydrogen value chain, from production to use. The complexity of FCH systems highlighted the need to apply different criteria for the definition of product categories and subcategories. In this regard, PEF horizontal and vertical rules and additional aspects such as technology readiness level were considered.

The application of these criteria led to the definition of 11 FCH product categories and 14 subcategories, ensuring a comprehensive coverage of the hydrogen value chain from production to utilisation.

The proposed list of product categories and subcategories paves the way for the development of Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) for FCH systems not only within the framework of HyPEF but also in future PEF-oriented initiatives. In particular, current efforts within HyPEF WP3 focus on setting up the process for the development of FCH-PEFCRs in line with the outcomes of WP2.