HyPEF promotes the consolidation of an environmentally-responsible hydrogen economy by enabling product environmental footprint studies which are specific to fuel cells and hydrogen products.

HyPEF addresses the need for standardised practices to evaluate the environmental performance of essential future energy technologies, like hydrogen systems.
Ensuring new energy technologies are clean
In the quest for exploring alternative energy sources and solutions, it is crucial not to overlook sustainability and environmental impact.
While the EU is increasingly promoting the deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) systems as promising energy players, the concern is also on ensuring those systems are environmentally sustainable across their life cycle.

Over 3 years, HyPEF will complement and advance current guidelines to produce and deliver the first ever Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Products (FCH – PEFCRs).

Complementing & Advancing
HyPEF complements methodological guidelines available for Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and the latest recommendations on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of FCH systems by developing category rules specific to FCH products (FCH-PEFCRs).
HyPEF-produced FCH – PEFCRs will pave the way for subsequent PEF initiatives in the FCH sector.